Co-operation for the convention on biological diversity

Co-operation for the Convention on Biological Diversity (CO-OP4CBD)

The goal of CO-OP4CBD

The project will enhance coordination of the EU and associated countries’ support to advance the implementation of the CBD and its Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, by effectively harnessing the knowledge of European experts and initiatives.

Strengthening technical and scientific cooperation for 2050 vision for biodiversity

By adopting the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) have agreed to facilitate a transformative change in the societies’ relationship with biodiversity and pursue the long-term 2050 vision of Living in Harmony with Nature.

Availability of knowledge is one of the key factors in implementing this ambitious global plan that aims to mitigate and reverse the process of biodiversity decline. Given the complexity of the scope and issues that CBD includes, there is a need for an improved technical and scientific cooperation that will strengthen the linkages with policy and better inform CBD decisions.

CO-OP4CBD project focuses on the European response to facilitate a more coordinated approach in the engagement of experts to support implementation of the CBD processes.





Project info

Project title: Co-operation for the convention on biological diversity (CO-OP4CBD)

Funding: Horizon Europe

Budget: € 4,4 million euros

Project period: 2022-2026

Project coordinator: French Foundation for Biodiversity Research (FRB)


Jiska vanDijk
Senior Research Scientists, NINA
Maja Vasilijević
Advisor, NINA

Main Objectives

Develop and implement an effective approach to engage the best available experts to support the EU, Member States and associated countries with positions, briefings and evidence to support their negotiators in the CBD processes.

Improve access to European expertise through enhanced mechanisms for technical and scientific cooperation, and through targeted capacity-building.

Contribute to the development of an effective monitoring and review process for the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework by the CBD Parties

NINA’s contribution - work packages

Jiska van Dijk (Project leader), Maja Vasilijević, Anette L. Havmo, Joachim Töpper, Kristin E. Mathiesen, Trine H. Setsaas

WP1 - Mapping the landscape of expertise for technical and scientific cooperation (Lead: Syke) Maja Vasilijević, Trine H. Setsaas

Task co-leader to identify and prioritise knowledge needs for CBD National Focal Points

Input to future scanning of knowledge holders, expert networks, and trends in biodiversity-related topics

Input in the development of a model for the mechanism for continued knowledge support

WP2 - Engaging expertise in CBD processes (Lead: FRB)

Anette L. Havmo, Maja Vasilijević, Jiska van Dijk

Supporting the dialogue between experts and negotiators within the CBD processes

WP3 - Supporting monitoring, reporting and review (Lead: UNEP-WCMC). Joachim Töpper

Advising on the selection, development and use of indicators for following the Global Biodiversity

Framework’s monitoring and reporting progress

Supporting identification and development of methodologies in the use of models and scenarios to review

European progress and assess pathways of success towards the goals and targets of the Global Biodiversity Framework

Supporting the development of technical capacity in the use of models and scenarios

WP4 - Supporting technical and scientific cooperation (Lead: NINA)

Maja Vasilijević, Jiska van Dijk

Supporting identification of capacity building needs to deliver scientific and technical cooperation and capacity development of experts in the CBD processes.

Input in the development of the Bioland tool, a dedicated mechanism for technical and scientific cooperation within the CBD

Task leader, developing guidelines and recommendations on capacity building and its effectiveness

WP5 - Communication, dissemination, and exploitation (Lead: Pensoft)

Jiska van Dijk, Maja Vasilijević

Regular input to communication activities

WP6 - Coordination, management and identifying synergies (Lead: FRB)

Jiska van Dijk, Kristin E. Mathiesen, Maja Vasilijević

Regular updates and reporting


CO-OP4CBD receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101081778gghjj