Employee info

Annette Fayet
Position:    Senior Research Scientist

  Telephone: +47 413 47 128
  E-mail: annette.fayet@nina.no
Area:  Land and biodiversity
Research group:  Birds and Renewables

Key qualifications
I am a researcher interested in seabird ecology, behaviour, and conservation. My research addresses a range of questions from understanding drivers of movements and the fitness consequences of variation in movement strategies, to drivers of population declines, mechanisms of competition avoidance, individual specialisation, and carry-over effects.
To address these questions, I combine traditional monitoring methods with bird-borne tracking loggers, field experiments, and machine learning.  I mainly work with North Atlantic species, but also with species in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

I co-lead a long-term seabird monitoring site on the Røst archipelago in the Norwegian Sea as part of the SEAPOP programme, and I have been leading a study of Atlantic puffins on Skomer Island (Wales, UK) since 2011.

I have a DPhil in Zoology from the University of Oxford. Before joining NINA, I was a Junior Research Fellow in the Department of Zoology at the University of Oxford.
I am currently an Associate Editor for the Journal of Animal Ecology and secretary for The Seabird Group charity. I am also a National Geographic Explorer and a former Sky Ocean Rescue Scholar.

My full list of publications can be found here.


Curriculum Vitae:
CV for Annette Fayet

Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

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