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Internasjonale referee tidsskrifter og bøker

Pedersen, B. 1990. Distributional patterns of vascular plants in Fennoscandia: a numerical approach. – Nordic Journal of Botany 10: 163-189.

Pedersen, B. 1995. An evolutionary theory of clonal senescence. – Theoretical Population Biology 47: 292-320.

Pedersen, B. and Tuomi, J. 1995. Hierarchical selection and fitness in modular and clonal organisms. – Oikos 73: 167-180.

Vuorisalo T., Tuomi J., Pedersen B. and Käär P. 1997. Hierarchical selection in clonal plants. – In: de Kroon H. og van Groenendael J. (eds.) The ecology and evolution of clonal plants. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, pp. 243 - 261.

Såstad, S. M., Bakken, S. and Pedersen, B. 1998. Clonal propagation of Sphagnum in axenic culture - a method for obtaining large numbers of genetically identical gametophores. – Lindbergia 23: 67 - 73.

Solli, I. M. S., Söderström, L., Flatberg, K. I., Bakken, S. and Pedersen, B. 1998. Reproductive phenology of Dicranum majus in Central Norway. – Journal of Bryology 20: 311 - 321.

Pedersen, B. 1999. Senescence in plants. – In: Vuorisalo, T. O. and Mutikainen, P. K. (eds.) Life history evolution in plants. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 239 - 274.

Såstad, S., Pedersen, B. and Digre, K. 1999. Habitat-specific genetic effects on growth rate and morphology across pH and water-level gradients within a population of the moss Sphagnum angustifolium (Sphagnaceae). – American Journal of Botany 86: 1687-1698.

Solli, I. M. S., Söderström, L., Bakken, S., Flatberg, K. I. and Pedersen, B. 2000. Studies of fertility of Dicranum majus in two populations with contrasted sporophyte production. – Journal of Bryology 22: 3-8.

Pedersen, B. Hanslin, H. M. and Bakken, S. 2001. Testing for density-dependent performance in four bryophyte species. – Ecology 82: 70-88.

Hanslin, H. M., Bakken, S. and Pedersen, B. 2001. The impact of watering regime and ambient relative humidity on the effect of density on growth in two boreal forest mosses, Dicranum majus and Rhytidiadelphus loreus. – Journal of Bryology 23: 43-54.

Stenøien, H. K. and Pedersen, B. 2005. Mutation and epimutation load in haploid and diploid life forms. – Journal of Theoretical Biology 233: 119-126.

Hassel, K., Pedersen, B. and Söderström, L. 2005. Age and size at maturity in mountain and lowland populations of the expanding moss Pogonatum dentatum. – Plant Ecology 179: 207-216.

Hassel, K., Pedersen, B. and Söderström, L. 2005. Changes in life-history traits in an expanding species, phenotypic plasticity and genetic differentiation: a reciprocal transplantation experiment with Pogonatum dentatum. – Ecography 28: 71-80.

Bonesmo, H., Bakken, A. K., Pedersen, B. 2005. Mapping spatial and temporal dynamics in grass-clover pastures by image analysis. – In: Frankow-Lindberg, B. E., Collins, R. P., Lüscher, A., Sébastia, M. T., Helgadóttir, Á. (eds.) Adaptation and Management of Forage Legumes - Strategies for Improved Reliability in Mixed Swards Proceedings of the 1st COST 852 workshop held in Ystad, Sweden 20-22 September 2004. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala. pp. 270-273.

Pedersen, B., Bonesmo, H., Bakken, A. K. 2005. Analysing clover patchiness by wavelets and quadrat variance methods. – In: Frankow-Lindberg, B. E., Collins, R. P., Lüscher, A., Sébastia, M. T., Helgadóttir, Á. (eds.) Adaptation and Management of Forage Legumes - Strategies for Improved Reliability in Mixed Swards Proceedings of the 1st COST 852 workshop held in Ystad, Sweden 20-22 September 2004. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala. pp. 286-289.

Øien, D.-I., and Pedersen, B. 2005. Seasonal pattern of dry matter allocation in Dactylorhiza lapponica (Orchidaceae) and the relation between tuber size and flowering. – Nordic Journal of Botany 23: 441-451.

Melis, C., Sundby, M., Andersen, R., Moksnes, A., Pedersen, B., and Røskaft, E. 2007. The role of moose Alces alces L. in boreal forest – the effect on ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) abundance and diversity. – Biodiversity and Conservation 16: 1321-1335

Austrheim, G., Mysterud, A., Pedersen, B., Halvorsen, R., Hassel, K., and Evju, M. 2008. Large scale experimental effects of three levels of sheep densities on an alpine ecosystem. – Oikos 117: 837 – 846.

Bjørkvoll, E., Pedersen, B., Hytteborn, H., Jónsdóttir, I. S., and Langvatn, R. 2009.

Seasonal and interannual dietary variation during winter in female Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus). – Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 41: 88-96.

Michelsen, O., Syverhuset, A., Pedersen, B. and Holten, J.I. 2011. The impact of climate change on recent vegetation changes on Dovrefjell, Norway. – Diversity 3: 91-111, doi: 10.3390/d3010091.

Wehn, S., Pedersen, B., and Hanssen, S.K. 2011. A comparison of influences of cattle, goat, sheep and reindeer on vegetation changes in mountain cultural landscapes in Norway. – Landscape and Urban Planning 102: 177-187.

Gottfried, M., Pauli, H., Futschik, A., Akhalkatsi, M., Barancok, P., Alonso, J. L. B., Coldea, G., Dick, J., Erschbamer, B., Fernández Calzado, M. R., Kazakis G., Krajci, J., Larsson, P., Mallaun, M., Michelsen, O., Moiseev, D., Moiseev, P., Molau, U., Merzouki, A., Nagy, L., Nakhutsrishvili, G., Pedersen, B., Pelino, G., Puscas, M., Rossi, G., Stanisci, A., Theurillat, J.-P., Tomaselli, M., Villar, L., Vittoz, P., Vogiatzakis, I., and Grabherr, G. 2012. Continent-wide response of mountain vegetation to climate change. – Nature Climate Change, doi: 10.1038/NCLIMATE1329

Rapporter, hovedfags- og doktorgradsoppgaver

Pedersen, B. 1988. Utbredelses-mønstre hos karplanter i Fennoscandia: En numerisk analyse. – Botanisk institutt, Universitetet i Trondheim. Cand. scient. avhandling. 98 s.

Pedersen, B. 1993. Theoretical studies of life history evolution in modular and clonal organisms. – Botanisk institutt, Universitetet i Trondheim. Dr. scient. thesis

Flatberg, K. I., Bakken, S., Pedersen, B., Söderström, L. og Såstad, S. M. 1996. Biodiversitet - Populasjonsbiologiske prosesser hos moser. Et forskningsstrategisk universitetsprogram i biodiversitet ved NTNU. - I. Langaas, A. (red), Innfallsvinkler på biodiversitet. Rapport fra flerfaglig workshop 7. desember 1995. – SMU-Rapport 6/96, s. 52-60.

Solli, I. M. S., Flatberg, K. I., Söderström, L., Bakken, S. og Pedersen, B. 1996. Blanksigd og luftforurensninger - fertilitetsstudier. – NTNU Vitensk.mus. Rapp. bot Ser. 1996-1: 14 s.

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