Publication list for employee

Other publications

- Berglund, B. & J. Rosvold (2021): Undersökning av fjädrar från båtgravar i Valsgärde gravbacke. Fornvännen 116: 327-332.
- Berglund, B. & J. Rosvold (2021): Microscopic identification of feathers from 7th century boat burials at Valsgärde in Central Sweden: Specialized long-distance feather trade or local bird use? Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 36: 102828.
- Norberg, E. Callanan, M. & Rosvold, J. (2021): Åarjelsaemien tsoevtsh - Sydsamiska snölegor. Sydsamiskt bruk av snölegor historiskt och i dag. META - Historiskarkeologisk tidskrift 2021, 31-52.
- Pilø, L., Barrett, J.H., Eiken, T., Finstad, E., Grønning, S., Post-Melbye, J.R., Nesje, A., Rosvold, J., Solli, B. & Ødegaard, R.S. (2021): Interpreting archaeological site-formation processes at a mountain ice patch: A case study from Langfonne, Norway. The Holocene 31, 469-482.
- Stibal, M., Bradley, J.A., Edwards, A., Hotaling, S., Zawierucha, K., Rosvold, J., Lutz, S., Cameron, K.A., Mikucki, J.A., Kohler, T.J., Šabacká, M. & Anesio, A.M. (2020): Glacial ecosystems are essential to understanding biodiversity responses to glacier retreat. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4, 1-2.
- Moseley, G.E., Rosvold, J., Gotfredsen, A.B., Hajdas, I., Gilg, O., Gregersen, K.M., Spötl, C. & Edwards, R.L. (2019): First pre-modern record of the Gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus) in Northeast Greenland. Polar Research 38.
- Le Moulec, M., Pedersen, Å.Ø., Stien, A., Rosvold, J. & Hansen, B.B. (2019): A century of conservation: The ongoing recovery of Svalbard reindeer. Journal of Wildlife Management 83, 1676-1686.
- Rosvold, J., Hansen, G. & Røed, K. (2019): From mountains to towns: DNA from ancient reindeer antlers as proxy for domestic procurement networks in medieval Norway. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 26, 1-9.
- Rosvold, J.  & Stebergløkken, H. (2019): The bear cave of Velfjord - an archaeological and faunal historical survey. Vitark 11, 133-148.
- Rosvold, J. (2018): Faunal finds from alpine ice – natural or archaeological depositions? Journal of Glacial Archaeology 3, 79-108.
- Rosvold, J. & Breivik, H.M. (2017): An Early Holocene bearded seal from the Trondheimsfjord: environmental and archaeological implications. In: Persson, P., Riede, F., Skar, B., Breivik, H.B. & Jonsson, L. (eds.) The early settlement of Northern Europe. Volume 1: Conditions for survival in Post-Glacial Northern Europe: climate, human ecology and subsistence. Equinox Publishing.
- Rosvold, J. (2016): Perennial ice and snow-covered land as important ecosystems for birds and mammals. Journal of Biogeography 43, 3-12.
- Sjögren, P., Austrheim, G., Stene, K., Hjelle, K., Rosvold, J. & Tretvik, A.M. (2015): Fjellets kulturlandskapshistorie. I: Austrheim, G., Hjelle, K., Sjögren, P., Stene, K. & Tretvik, A.M. (red.) Fjellets kulturlandskap: arealbruk og landskap gjennom flere tusen år. Museumsforlaget: 159-179.
- Røed, K.H., Bjørnstad, G., Flagstad, Ø., Haanes, H., Hufthammer, A.K, Jordhøy, P. & Rosvold, J. (2014): Ancient DNA reveals prehistoric habitat fragmentation and recent domestic introgression into native wild reindeer. Conservation Genetics 15, 1137-1149.
- Rosvold, J. Herfindal, I. Andersen, R. & Hufthammer, A.K. (2014): Long-term morphological changes in the skeleton of red deer (Artiodactyla, Cervidae) at its northern periphery. Journal of Mammalogy 95, 626-637.
- Halley, D. & Rosvold, J. (2014): Stable isotope analysis and variation in medieval domestic pig husbandry practices in northwest Europe: absence of evidence for a purely herbivorous diet. Journal of Archaeological Science 49, 1-5.
- Alsberg, B.K. & Rosvold, J. (2014): Rapid localisation of bone fragments on surfaces using back-projection and hyperspectral imaging. Journal of Forensic Sciences 59: 475-480.
- Rosvold, J., Andersen, R., Linnell, J.D. & Hufthammer, A.K. (2013): Cervids in a dynamic northern landscape: Holocene changes in the relative abundance of moose and red deer at the limits of their distributions. Holocene 23: 1143-1150.
- Haanes, H., Røed, K.H. & Rosvold, J. (2013): Non-indigenous introgression into the Norwegian red deer population. Conservation Genetics 14: 237-242.
- Rosvold, J., Røed, K.H., Hufthammer, A.K., Andersen, R. & Stenøien, H.K. (2012): Reconstructing the history of a fragmented and heavily exploited red deer population using ancient and contemporary DNA. BMC Evolutionary Biology 12: 191.
- Grøndahl, F.A., Hufthammer, A.K., Dahl, S.O. & Rosvold, J. (2010): A preboreal elk (Alces alces L. 1758) antler from south-eastern Norway. Fauna Norvegica 30: 9-12.
- Rosvold, J., Halley, D.J., Hufthammer, A.K., Minagawa, M. & Andersen, R. (2010): The rise and fall of wild boar in a northern environment: evidence from stable isotopes and subfossil finds. Holocene 20: 1113-1121.

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