Tessa Bahiga Bargmann
Position:    Researcher

  Telephone: +47 941 03 549
 Department:  Bergen

Knowledge areas
    My areas of research are:
  • Transdisciplinary research in conservation and landscape ecology
  • Ecosystem services and integrated ecosystem mangement
  • Nature-based solutions and transformative change
  • Stakholder involvement and the science-policy interface
  • Management plans and restoration of cultural landscapes (particularly coastal heathlands)

Key qualifications
Ecology, conservation biology, biodiversity, ecosystem services/ nature's contributions to people, stakeholder involvement, international collaboration, transdiciplinary research, coastal heathlands, fire ecology, sucession, vascular plants, ground beetles, GIS

PhD in landscape ecology (2015), University of Bergen
MSc in Biodiversity, Conservation and Management (2009), University of Oxford
BSc in Biology (2008), Jacobs University Bremen


English: fluent, German: fluent, Norwegian: fluent, Mandarin: basic


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