Employee info

Vebjørn Veiberg
Position:    Senior Research Scientist

  Telephone: +47 957 00 510
  E-mail: vebjorn.veiberg@nina.no
 Department:  Viltøkologi

Knowledge areas

Population ecology, ungulates (red deer, Svalbard reindeer), population monitoring, life-history strategies, tooth wear, age determination, local management, browsing damages

Key qualifications
  • Population ecology of cervids (especially red deer and Svalbard reindeer), particularly in relation to management topics.
  • Ungulate population monitoring.
  • Investigation of ungulate life-history strategies in relation to tooth wear.
  • Ecological consequences of climate change
  • Wildlife responses to human disturbance


Curriculum Vitae:
CV for Vebjørn Veiberg

Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

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