Employee info

Nina Dehnhard
Position:    Senior Research Scientist

  Telephone: +47 413 52 042
  E-mail: nina.dehnhard@nina.no
Area:  Land and biodiversity
Research group:  Birds and Renewables

Knowledge areas
Seabirds, polar and temperate marine ecosystems, spatial ecology, phenology, trophic interactions, population monitoring, modelling, plastic pollution

Key qualifications
  • seabird ecologist with experience in the tropics, the southern hemisphere including Antarctica and in the North Atlantic
  • has worked with a range of different species: boobies, tropicbirds, penguins, petrels, shags, guillemots, puffins
  • fieldwork experience in partly remote and challenging environments (Christmas Island, Antarctica, Falkland/Malvinas Islands, Iceland, Norway)
  • familar with a broad range of fieldwork methods: 
    • bird counts and population monitoring
    • marking birds with metal & colour rings as well as PITs
    • deployments of GPS, GLS, TDR and video cameras
  • various types of data analyses and statistical modelling
    • linear mixed models with random slopes and random interceps
    • generalized additive mixed models
    • habitat suitability modelling and predicting of suitable foraging habitat
    • survival- and population-modelling
  • supervisor of several Master-students
  • in charge of the monitoring of plastic in fulmar stomachs for OSPAR in Norway


Curriculum Vitae:
CV for Nina Dehnhard

Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

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