Telephone: +47 984 21 195
Water and biodiversity
Research group:
Knowledge areas
Research on ecology, physiology and behavior of salmonids. Extensive experience in planning and executing experimental research projects in laboratory, semi-natural environments and in nature. Experience in assessing cost of rapid growth (applied and evolutionary) in salmonids and ecological risk assessment of transgenic salmon. Experience from research on salmonids in regulated rivers and effect of hydropower development. Experience from reserach on ecosystem effects of invasive non-native and native salmonids. Experience in development and use of individual based population model, IB-salmon, and statistical analyses of Atlantic salmon population data.
Experience with international collaboration from several national and international projects founded by the Research Council of Norway, such as Quantifying biological risks of growth enhanced transgenic salmon (FUGE), FutureHydro (no. 221674), SalmoInvade (no.235949) and also in the research centre CEDREN and now currently HydroCen (Centre for Environment-friendly Energy Research on hydropower). Resposible for co-ordinating NINAs activities in HydroCen in the research area Environmental design, assessing hydropower regulation, environmental impact and mitigation.
Key qualifications
Skilled in Freshwater ecology, salmonid biology, Biodiversity, Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Awareness, Conservation Issues, and Marine Biology. Strong research professional with a Master's degree focused in Marine Biology and a PhD in salmonid ecology from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).
Research on ecology, physiology and behavior of salmonids. Extensive experience in planning and executing experimental research projects in laboratory, semi-natural environments and in nature. Experience in assessing cost of rapid growth (applied and evolutionary) in salmonids and ecological risk assessment of transgenic salmon. Experience from research on salmonids in regulated rivers and effect of hydropower development. Experience from reserach on ecosystem effects of invasive non-native and native salmonids. Experience in development and use of individual based population model, IB-salmon, and statistical analyses of Atlantic salmon population data.
Curriculum Vitae:
CV for Line Elisabeth Sundt-Hansen