Employee info

Ulrika Jansson
Position:    Researcher

  Telephone: +47 413 95 394
  E-mail: ulrika.jansson@nina.no
 Department:  Terrestrisk og naturregnskap

Knowledge areas
I am an ecologist, working as a research scientist at Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, Oslo, Norway. I am interesed in forest ecology and the effect of land use change and forestry on biodiversity, carbon balance and ecosystem resilience. This includes an interest in the climatic impact of how the wood and paper products from forest harvest are used and an interest in how to manage forests to mitigate the effects on society of a changing climate with more extrem weather events. 

I also work with management and restoration of traditional species rich flower meadows and investigate methods of restoring these habitats. 

Key qualifications
  • Plant ecology, Forest ecology
  • Forest management, LCA
  • Management of species rich hay meadows
  • Restoration
  • Nature mapping and valuation 
  • Species diversity, Indicator species, Red-listed species, Invasive species
  • GIS and remote sensing


Curriculum Vitae:
CV for Ulrika Jansson

Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

NINA is an independent foundation for nature research and research on the interaction between human society, natural resources and biodiversity.
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