Employee info

Lajla Tunaal White
Position:    Research Director

  Telephone: +47 902 99 957
  E-mail: lajla.white@nina.no
 Department:  Terrestrisk og naturregnskap

Knowledge areas
Assistant research director for the Oslo division of the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research. 
Applied ecological research in terrestrial, freshwater and coastal marine environments. 
Research, environmental impact assessments, monitoring, advice and evaluation.
Sustainable farming and forestry. Land management and agri-environment schemes. Water Framework Directive. 
Large carnivores, 
Policy development and management, civil service.
Project management.

Key qualifications
Bachelor of Science, Biology - University of Leeds 1995
Masters in Ecology - University of Aberdeen 1997


Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

NINA is an independent foundation for nature research and research on the interaction between human society, natural resources and biodiversity.
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