Rose Keller
Position:    Researcher

  Telephone: +47 467 49 352
 Department:  NINA Lillehammer

Knowledge areas

human geography

socio-ecological systems

conservation social science

survey methodology


University of Bremen, PhD Geography

University of Eastern Finland, MS Geography

University of Idaho, BS International Development. Minors: Economics, Russian, Environmental Philosophy


Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (Lillehammer, Norway), Environmental Social Science Researcher: April 2020 - Present

Alaska Pacific University Dept of Environmental Sciences (Alaska USA), Affiliated Faculty: March 2020 - Present

National Park Service, Denali National Park and Preserve (Alaska, USA), Social Scientist: March 2016 - February 2020

Portland State University Dept of Geography (Oregon, USA), Affiliated Faculty: May 2015 - March 2016

Professional societies

American Association of Geographers

Association of Pacific Coast Geographers

European Association for Landscape Ecology

Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape


Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

NINA is an independent foundation for nature research and research on the interaction between human society, natural resources and biodiversity.
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