Publication list for employee

Other publications

Peer-reviewed Articles


Trade-offs between maternal foraging and fawn predation risk in an income breeder. Panzacchi M., Herfindal I., Linnell J.D.C., Odden M., Odden J. & R. Andersen. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology (in press)

Effect of land-use on small mammal abundance and diversity in a forest-farmland mosaic landscape in south eastern Norway. Panzacchi M., Linnell J.D.C., Melis C., Odden M., Odden J. & R. Andersen. Forest Ecology and Management 259(8):1536-1545


Habitat and roe deer fawn vulnerability to red fox predation. Panzacchi M., Linnell J.D.C., Odden J., Odden M., Andersen R. Journal of Animal Ecology, 78: 1124–1133

Modelling semi-aquatic vertebrates’ distribution at the drainage basin scale: The case of the otter Lutra lutra in Italy. Ottaviani D, Panzacchi M, Jona Lasinio G, Genovesi P, Boitani L. Ecological Modelling, 220 (2): 111-121


When a generalist becomes a specialist: patterns of red fox predation on roe deer fawns under contrasting conditions. Panzacchi M, Linnell J.D.C., Odden J., Odden M., Andersen R. (2008) Canadian Journal of Zoology, 86 (2): 116-126

Evaluation of the importance of roe deer fawns in the spring-summer diet of red foxes in south-eastern Norway. Panzacchi M., Linnell J.D.C., Odden M., Serrao G., Eie S., Odden J. & R. Andersen (2008) Ecological Research. 23(5): 889-896


The ecology of red fox predation on roe deer fawns with respect to population density, habitat and alternative prey. Panzacchi M (2007) PhD Thesis, University of Bologna, Italy; University of Trondheim, Norway, 125 pp. Available at:

Population control of coypu in Italy vs. eradication in UK: a cost/benefit analysis. Panzacchi M., Genovesi P., Bertolino S., Cocchi R., Toso S. (2007). Wildlife Biology 13(2): 159-171

Use of winter habitat by roe deer at a northern latitude where Eurasian lynx are present. Ratikainen I.I., Panzacchi M., Mysterud A., Odden J., Linnell J.D.C., Andersen R. (2007). Journal of Zoology. 273: 192-199


Uso dello spazio del capriolo (Capreolus capreolus, L. 1758) in Appennino Settentrionale. Panzacchi M., MSc Thesis, University of Bologna, 215 pp

Books – Book Chapters


Piano d’Azione Nazionale per la Conservazione della Lontra (Lutra lutra). Panzacchi M, Genovesi P, Loy A (in press), Italian Minister for Environment and for the Protection of the Territory and the Sea, High Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, 202 pp (in Italian). Available at:


Organismi transgenici 5 anni dopo. Panzacchi M., (in Italian). In Ambiente Italia 2002. 100 indicatori sullo stato del Paese nei 10 anni di globalizzazione da Rio a Johannesburg. Eds. Ambiente, Milano; 252 pp., (in Italian), ISBN: 8886412894; Presentation:

Dossier. Organismi Geneticamente Modificati: cosa sono, quali rischi comportano, a chi giovano, cosa dice la legge. Panzacchi M. (in Italian) First publication in Oct. 2000 (65 pp.); updated reprints in Feb. 2001 and Mar. 2002 (88 pp). Presentation:


Organismi transgenici: rischi per la salute e per l’ambiente. Panzacchi M. (in Italian). In: Ambiente Italia 2001. La salute ambientale delle città - 100 indicatori sullo stato del paese. Rapporto annuale di Legambiente. Eds. Ambiente. Published in co-operation with the Ministry for the Environment and Istituto Ambiente Italia, 240 pp. Presentation:, ISBN 88-86412-76-2

Technical Reports


Ferdsel i villreinens leveområder. NINA Rapport [551] Strand O, Gundersen V, Panzacchi M, Andersen O, Falldorf T, Andersen R, Van Moorter B, Jordhøy P, Fangel K.


Documento di supporto tecnico-scientifico. Piano d’Azione Nazionale per la Conservazione della Lontra (Lutra lutra). Panzacchi M, Genovesi P, Loy A (2007) Italian Wildlife Institute, Italian Minister for Environment and for the Protection of the Territory and the Sea, 126 pp (in Italian)


Rovvilt og Samfunn (RoSa). Gaupe og rådyr i Sørøst-Norge: oversikt over gjennomførte aktiviteter 1995-2004. Andersen R., Odden J., Linnell J.D.C., Odden M., Herfindal, I., Panzacchi M., Høgseth Ø., Gangås, L., Brøseth, H., Solberg, E.J., Hjeljord, O. NINA Rapport 29: 1-41.


Årsrapport fra NINA prosjektene: “Gaupe- og rådyrprosjektet i Sørøst-Norge” og ”Rødrevens økologi: et pilot studie”. Odden J., Linnell J.D.C, Odden M., Panzacchi M., Hjeljord O., Andersen R.. NINA Minirapport 056.

Oral Lectures


Wild reindeer interactions with recreationists - estimating spatiotemporal habitat use and potential conflict areas in two national parks in Norway. Andersen O, Gundersen V, Strand O, Panzacchi M, Vorkinn M, Fangel F, Van Moorter B. Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas (MMV5), May 30th - June 3rd, Wageningen, The Netherlands


Predation risk, habitat use and distribution of alternative prey: the case of red fox, roe deer fawns and small rodents. Panzacchi M., Herfindal I., Linnell J.D.C., Odden M., Odden J., Andersen R. VIII European Roe Deer Meeting, 25-29 Jun, Velenje, Slovenia

The effect of lynx predation on roe deer: the view from the predator and from the prey. Linnell J.D.C., Melis C., Nilsen E. B., Panzacchi M., Odden J. Andersen R. VIII European Roe Deer Meeting, 25-29 Jun, Velenje, Slovenia


Mortality causes and habitat-related anti-predator strategies of roe deer fawns in southern Norway. Panzacchi M., Linnell J.D.C., Odden J., Odden M., Andersen R.. Acta of the Seven European Roe Deer Meeting, 10-12 Mar., Jerez, Spain


Economical impact caused by the coypus (Myocastor coypus) in Italy. Panzacchi M., Bertolino S., Cocchi R., Genovesi P., Toso S. IV European Vertebrate Pest Management Conference, 9-12 Sept., Parma, Italy


Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus, L. 1758) spatial pattern and development of mother/fawns home range in a sub-Mediterranean area. Panzacchi M., Carnevali L., Genovesi P., Toso S.. V European Roe Deer Meeting, 24-27 Apr, Tedozio, Forlì, Italy


Spatial organization of female roe deer (Capreolus capreolus, L. 1758) in northern Apennines, Italy. Pelliccioni E.R., Petrucco R., Carnevali L., Panzacchi M., Toso S. IV International Deer Biologist Congress. (Eds. Z. Zomborszky) In: Proceedings of the 4th International Deer Biology Congress, Kaposvar, Hungary



The effect of forestry and moose management on the small rodents’ community in Norway. Gorini L, Pedersen S, Mathisen K-M, Odden M, Nilsen E.B, Panzacchi M, Linnell J.D.C, Boitani L. Sustainable Conservation: Bridging the gap between disciplines. International Jubilee Conference of the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters, 15-18 Mar, Trondheim, Norway.

Human impact on the spatiotemporal dynamics of a generalist predator in the boreal forest. Odden M, Nilsen EB, Linnell JDC, Wegge P, Panzacchi M, Andreassen H, Herfindal I, Wabakken P. Sustainable Conservation: Bridging the gap between disciplines. International Jubilee Conference of the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters, 15-18 Mar, Trondheim, Norway.


An Action Plan for the Conservation of Otter in Italy. Panzacchi M., Genovesi P., Loy A. 25th Mustelid Colloquium, 4-7 Oct 2007, Trebon, Czech Republic

Evaluation of the importance of roe deer fawns in the spring-summer diet of red foxes in south-eastern Norway. Panzacchi M., Linnell, J.D.C., Serrao G., Eie S., Odden J., Odden M., Andersen R. VIII European Roe Deer Meeting, 25-29 Jun, Velenje, Slovenia


Where did they go? Dispersal patterns of roe deer in a Sub-Mediterranean area. Panzacchi M., Carnevali L., Toso S.. V Roe Deer Meeting, 24-27 Apr, Tedozio, Forlì


Patterns of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus, L. 1758) fawns’ mortality in northern Apennines, Italy. Carnevali L., Panzacchi M., Toso S. IV International Deer Biologist Congress. (Eds. Z. Zomborszky) In: Proceedings of the 4th International Deer Biology Congress, Kaposvar, Hungary

Popular Publications


Roter kitzräuber! Linnell J.D.C., Panzacchi M., Odden J., St.Hubertus, (5), 8-12.

Buoni da mangiare... per la volpe! Linnell J.D.C., Panzacchi M., Odden J., Speciale caccia e pesca, (5), 12:17


Bambi og reven. Linnell J.D.C., Odden J., Panzacchi M., Andersen R. Hjorteviltet, 58-61

Bambi meets the red devil. Linnell J.D.C. and Panzacchi M. Deer, The Journal of the British Deer Society, 13(8): 34-37


Organismi transgenici: caratteristiche, rischi, problemi, utilità. Panzacchi M. (in Italian). Report for the NGO Legambiente Onlus. 8 pp. (accessed 20/05/2007)

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