Employee info

Gunnbjørn Bremset
Position:    Senior Research Scientist

  Telephone: +47 464 74 177
  E-mail: gunnbjorn.bremset@nina.no
Area:  Water and biodiversity
Research group:  Hydropower

Knowledge areas
- Aquatic ecology
- Freshwater biology
- Behavioral ecology
- Riverine salmonids
- Lotic fish communities
- Anthropogenetic disturbances
- Introduced species
- Conservation biology
- Stocking

Key qualifications
- Riverine production of anadromous salmonids
- Competition and habitat use of juvenile salmonids
- Environmentalt effects from hydro-power development
- Anthropogenetic impacts on fish communities
- Mitigation measures against introduced species
- Mitigation measures for freshwater fish
- Fish barriers and fish passages
- Direct observations of riverine fish


Curriculum Vitae:
CV for Gunnbjørn Bremset

Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

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