Work packages
WP1. Mapping major migration flyways
Extracting bird intensities from meteorological radar systems in Norway and merging these to provide an integrated map of the major migration patterns. Bird algorithms developed by our research partner UvA have been implemented for Norwegian meteorological radars, which allows near-real time visualization of bird migration and spatio-temporal pattern analysis.
WP2. Assessing migration behaviour
Analyse migration behaviour patterns from mobile radar systems onshore and offshore. NINA has two mobile 3D bird radars that can be operated at the two latter sites during spring and autumn over two years (2023-2024). This will allow both local validation of the large-scale meteorological radar bird migration intensities as well as in-depth analysis of behavioural migration patterns (e.g. fluxes and flight height with respect to weather conditions and topography).
WP3. Validation of species-specific phenology
Assess departure and arrival times of migratory birds through the Lista Bird migration Observatory in collaboration with BirdLife Norway as well as citizen science data. While the latter allows for dynamic visualization of bird migration across Norway, both data sources combined will render more insight into the specific-specific phenology of bird migration (e.g. which species migrate when, where and how).
WP4. Produce a migration visualization application
Combine the visualizations and associated knowledge on migration patterns into an online visualization application to support developers and authorities supporting environmentally friendly coastal and offshore wind energy development. This application will be co-designed and disseminated with our stakeholder partners. This includes the integration of previous work packages to quantify and map potential risk, by combining migration intensity (cf. risk exposure, WP1), area suitability and stopover sites (cf. risk likelihood, WP3) and migration behaviour (cf. species vulnerability, WP2).