

Hydropower development altered the genes of the Eira salmon
28. October 2022

With the help of genetic analyses, long time series and statistical models, scientists at the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research have documented human-induced evolution in a natural salmon population.

NINA opens Centre for Biodiversity Genetics
25. October 2022

DNA analyses are becoming an increasingly important method in research and nature management. To meet an increased demand from government and industry, the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) today opened NINAGEN, a national centre for conservation and biodiversity genetics in Trondheim.

Welcome to Emma Jane Critchley
25. October 2022

We are delighted to welcome Emma Jane Critchley to the MARCIS project!

Are storms killing seabirds?
21. October 2022

Using a comprehensive set of tracking data from five seabird species in the North Atlantic and a model for estimating energy consumption, researchers have investigated how severe winter storms may impact the seabird community and eventually lead to seabird mass mortality.

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Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

NINA is an independent foundation for nature research and research on the interaction between human society, natural resources and biodiversity.
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