Jørgen Rosvold
Position:    Ass. Research Director

  Telephone: +47 952 79 789
 Department:  NINA terrestrisk naturmangfold

Knowledge areas
Personal research focus/experience:
- Vertebrate zoology (particularely mammals)
- Ice ecology
- Deep-time natural history
- Human-nature-relationships
- Archaeolozoology and hunting archaeology
- Wild ungulates
- Cave biology
- Ancient DNA
- Stable isotopes
- Skeletal morphology
- Biogeography
- Identification of fragmented animal remains (bones, feathers)

Key qualifications
Leader in NINA with special responsibilities for coordinating:
- NINAs international work
- Alien species
- Threatened species
- Entomology
- Carbon and soil science
- Large botanical and entomological monitoring projects like: ANO and National insect monitoring

2022: Course in Sustainability Leadership
2008-2012: PhD in Terrestrial Ecology (natural history, zoology, population genetics, climate change effects, conservation biology and human-animal relationships)
2005-2006: Master in Biology (ecology, climate change effects, human-nature relationships and anthropology)
2001-2004: Bachelor in Science (biology and archaeology)
1996-1999: High school (biology, mathematics and media)

Worked in
2019- : NINA, Ass. Research Director 
2017-2019: Museum Stavanger (MUST), Department director
2017: Oppland Fylkeskommune, Advisor
2007-2017: NTNU University Museum, Researcher
2004-2006: Statskog Fjelltjenesten, Park Ranger
2000-2001: NATO, Peacekeeping Soldier


Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

NINA is an independent foundation for nature research and research on the interaction between human society, natural resources and biodiversity.
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