

New digital portal shows interbreeding between wild and farmed Atlantic salmon
26. June 2024

Now you can easily see how much farmed salmon interbreeds with wild Atlantic salmon.

Steep decline in radioactive caesium after 30 years of monitoring
21. June 2024

Following the Chernobyl accident in 1986, large areas of northern Europe were exposed to radioactive caesium, detrimental to both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Recent results from 30 years of monitoring in the mountain areas of Norway show steep declines in radiocaesium – an important find when evaluating potential impact on wildlife and human health. 

Experts from across Europe meet in Trondheim to discuss integrated ecosystem assessments
13. June 2024

From 17-21 June, 85 transdisciplinary experts from 31 countries across Europe meet to discuss how to improve the uptake of scientific knowledge on ecosystem services by decision-makers in business and in policy. 

Seabirds reveal mercury distribution across the North Atlantic
31. May 2024

Groundbreaking study uses seabirds as indicators of mercury presence through the North-Atlantic Arctic. Results of grave importance for Arctic communities as concentrations increase from the Barents Sea to the East coast of Canada.

Towards a common approach to assess nature's contribution to tourism
28. May 2024

Researchers present a novel overview of ecosystem services assessment approaches related to nature-based tourism, with specific focus on monetary valuation methods. An important contribution towards development of harmonized methodologies, and uptake of ecosystem services information in planning and development processes. 

Revitalizing Slovak Peatlands
23. May 2024

Although peatlands are mostly found in northern Europe, there are also remnants to be found in Slovakia, where the ECORESP-project recently has restored 12 peatlands.

Endangered Arctic fox birth caught on camera
23. May 2024

For the first time, NINA researchers have recorded an Arctic fox giving birth. Now both they and you can follow the pups live via webcam from the Arctic fox breeding station in Oppdal, Norway.

Silent birdcliffs
7. May 2024

In only four decades more than 80% of kittiwakes breeding on the coast of the Norwegian mainland have disappeared. More than 60% of all seabird species in Norway are now endangered. In this photographic journey through shifting baselines we clearly see the dramatic changes

Mild winters - bad news for Norway's insects
2. May 2024

The biomass of insects in Norway has decreased over the last four years. Weather has had an impact on insects who prefer cold and snow rich winters to thrive.

NINA and Hydro Energy team up for biodiversity
30. April 2024

NINA assesses status and implementation gaps of performance standards and no net loss commitments, in relation to energy sector developments in Norway.  

Understanding climate warming impacts on carbon release from the tundra
17. April 2024

The warming climate shifts the dynamics of tundra environments and makes them release trapped carbon, according to a new study published in Nature. These changes could transform tundras from carbon sinks into a carbon source, exacerbating the effects of climate change.

Nationwide mapping of green infrastructure in Norway
8. April 2024

New statistical models map for the first time suitable habitats and their connectivity, now and in the future, for solitary bees, moose and 14 species of trees. An invaluable tool to identify and prioritise areas for conservation and restoration. 

Summer neighbours choose different wintering areas
8. March 2024

Researchers have investigated differences in diet and spatial distribution of Atlantic puffins and black-legged kittiwakes from Røst in the non-breeding season. The results show that even birds of the same species from the same colony may choose different strategies after leaving the nest sites.

Restoring mining landscapes in the High Arctic
7. March 2024

NINA researchers play a central role in restoring old mining landscapes in Svalbard, Norway. As of 2024, the restoration is complete.

Interested in joining network on wind power development?
7. March 2024

Where should future wind farms be located? NINA is developing a planning tool for wind farms where impacts on species richness and ecosystem services are mapped. Now we invite interested parties to participate.

Large-scale mapping shows Salmon lice push sea trout towards crisis
26. February 2024

Salmon lice from aquaculture poses massive threat to wild sea trout populations, as researchers develop approach vital for prioritizing management measures.

Weather radars reveal where birds migrate
12. February 2024

Radars that are used to report the weather also provide valuable insight into which migratory routes birds use. For the first time this tool will be used to map bird migration in Norway.

Migrating seabirds take advantage of favourable winds
15. January 2024

SEATRACK-data used to study the relationship between wind patterns and migrating movements.

Documenting nature loss with eyes from the sky and Ai
10. January 2024

NRK enlisted the help of NINA to shed light on a dark reality: while Norwegian nature is being lost bit-fot-bit, no one is watching.

New status indicator for seabird populations
4. January 2024

New indicator for status of seabirds combines population size, adult survival and breeding success.

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Norsk institutt for naturforskning

NINA er en uavhengig stiftelse som forsker på natur og samspillet natur – samfunn.
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