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B Cretois, JDC Linnell, M Grainger, EB Nilsen, JK Rød (2020) Hunters as citizen scientists: Contributions to biodiversity monitoring in Europe, Global Ecology and Conservation, e, e01077

MJ Grainger, FC Bolam, GB Stewart, EB Nilsen (2020) Evidence synthesis for tackling research waste, Nature Ecology & Evolution, 4 (4), 495-497

W Phumanee, R Steinmetz, R Phoonjampa, T Bejraburnin, M Grainger et al. (2020) Occupancy-based monitoring of ungulate prey species in Thailand indicates population stability, but limited recovery, Ecosphere, 11 (9), e03208

MJ Grainger, EB Nilsen (2020) Need for transparent and repeatable conservation frameworks: reply to Child et al. 2019, Conservation Biology, 34 (1), 282-285

C Kandemir, C Reynolds, M Verma, M Grainger, G Stewart, S Righi et al. (2020) Discrete event simulation; machine learning; Bayesian networks; agent-based modelling; and mass balance estimation, Routledge Handbook of Food Waste, 326

TNE Gray, MJ Grainger, R Grosu (2020) Conservation decision-making under uncertainty: Identifying when to reintroduce tiger Panthera tigris to Cambodia, Conservation Science and Practice, e, e187


J Carrick, MSAB Abdul Rahim, C Adjei, HHH Ashraa Kalee, SJ Banks et al. (2019) Is planting trees the solution to reducing flood risks?, Journal of Flood Risk Management, 12 (S2), e12484

NR Haddaway, A Feierman, MJ Grainger, CT Gray, E Tanriver-Ayder et al. (2019) EviAtlas: a tool for visualising evidence synthesis databases, Environmental evidence, 8 (1), 1-10

FC Bolam, MJ Grainger, KL Mengersen, GB Stewart, WJ Sutherland et al. (2019) Using the Value of Information to improve conservation decision making, Biological Reviews, 94 (2), 629-647

B Freeman, D Jiménez-García, B Barca, M Grainger (2019) Using remotely sensed and climate data to predict the current and potential future geographic distribution of a bird at multiple scales: the case of Agelastes meleagrides. Avian Research, 10 (1), 1-9

MJ Whittingham, AJ McKenzie, RM Francksen, D Feige, T Cadwallender et al. (2019) Offshore refuges support higher densities and show slower population declines of wintering Ruddy Turnstones Arenaria interpres, Bird Study, 66 (4), 431-440

N Sukumal, MJ Grainger, T Savini (2019) Lower levels of human disturbance correspond with longer-term persistence of Endangered Green Peafowl Pavo muticus populations, Bird Conservation International, 1-10

M Grainger, S Piras, S Righi, M Setti, G Stewart, M Vittuari (2019) Integrated model of consumer behaviours in relation to food waste: Behavioural economics: D4. 4 Linking Bayesian and agent-based models to assess consumer food waste, Refresh,


MJ Grainger, L Aramyan, S Piras, TE Quested, S Righi, M Setti, M Vittuari et al. (2018) Model selection and averaging in the assessment of the drivers of household food waste to reduce the probability of false positives, PloS one, 13 (2), e0192075

PJK McGowan, GB Stewart, G Long, MJ Grainger (2018) An imperfect vision of indivisibility in the Sustainable Development Goals, Nature Sustainability, 1 (12)

H Kendall, G Kaptan, G Stewart, M Grainger, S Kuznesof, P Naughton et al. (2018) Drivers of existing and emerging food safety risks: Expert opinion regarding multiple impacts, Food Control, 90, 440-458

MJ Grainger, L Aramyan, K Logatcheva, S Piras, S Righi, M Setti et al. (2018) The use of systems models to identify food waste drivers, Global food security, 16, 1-8

MJ Grainger, PJ Garson, SJ Browne, PJK McGowan, T Savini (2018) Conservation status of phasianidae in Southeast Asia, Biological conservation, 220, 60-66

F Stephenson, AC Mill, CL Scott, GB Stewart, MJ Grainger, NVC Polunin et al. (2018) Socio-economic, technological and environmental drivers of spatio-temporal changes in fishing pressure, Marine Policy, 88, 189-203

S Thunhikorn, MJ Grainger, PJK McGowan, T Savini (2018) Spatial distribution of display sites of Grey Peacock-pheasant in relation to micro-habitat and predators during the breeding season, Avian Research, 9 (1), 17


M Grainger, D Ngoprasert, P McGowan, T Savini (2017) Informing decisions on an extremely data poor species facing imminent extinction, Oryx,

MJ Grainger, GB Stewart (2017) The jury is still out on social media as a tool for reducing food waste a response to Young et al.(2017), Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 122, 407-410

LH Aramyan, MJ Grainger, K Logatcheva, S Piras, S Righi, M Setti et al. (2017) Food Waste Reduction in Supply Chains Through Innovations: What Factors Affect the Decision to Adopt Innovations, The, 24th IAMB Conference

M Grainger, G Stewart, S Piras, S Righi, M Setti, M Vittuari, LH Aramyan (2017) D4. 3-Model integration: integrated socio-economic model on food waste, REFRESH,


M Grainger, G Stewart, S Piras, S Righi, M Setti, M Vittuari, LH Aramyan (2016) D4. 2-Model development and data protocol, REFRESH,

S Thunhikorn, MJ Grainger, PJK McGowan, T Savini (2016) Assessing the population of grey peacock-pheasant (Polyplectron bicalcaratum) in a Southeast Asian conservation landscape, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 64, 302-312

S Thunhikorn, MJ Grainger, PJK McGowan, T Savini (2016) Methods used to survey avian species and their potential for surveying ground-dwelling birds in Asia, Forktail, 5-13

S Thunhikorn, MJ Grainger, PJK McGowan, T Savini (2016) Assessing the population status of Grey Peacock-pheasant (Polyplectron bicalcaratum) in Huai Kha Khaeng, a key conservation landscape in Southeast Asia, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology,


DP Mallon, M Hoffmann, MJ Grainger, F Hibert, N Van Vliet et al. (2015) An IUCN situation analysis of terrestrial and freshwater fauna in West and Central Africa, Occasional paper of the IUCN species survival commission, 54, 40

FHA Aalen, MJ Grainger, F Hibert, M Hoffmann, DP Mallon et al. (2015) Analyse de situation de l'UICN concernant la faune terrestre et d'eau douce en Afrique centrale et de l'Ouest, IUCN,

M Grainger, R van Aarde (2015) Can Non-Native Species Explain Patterns of Convergence and Deviation in Regenerating Coastal Dune Forest?, Ecological Restoration, 33 (3), 246-255


MJ Grainger, RJ Van Aarde (2013) The role of canopy gaps in the regeneration of coastal dune forest, African Journal of Ecology, 51 (1), 11-20

M Grainger, P McGowan, A McKenzie, J Minderman, JP Rodriguez et al. (2013) Method for the assessment of priorities for international species conservation (MAPISCo)


MJ Grainger, RJ Van Aarde (2012) Is succession-based management of coastal dune forest restoration valid?, Ecological Restoration, 30 (3), 200-208

PJK McGowan, LL Owens, MJ Grainger (2012) Galliformes science and species extinctions: what we know and what we need to know, Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 35 (2), 321-331

RAR Guldemond, MJ Grainger, MJ Trimble (2012) Where is the Evidence for Assessing Evidence-Based Restoration? Comments on Ntshotsho et al.(2010), Restoration Ecology, 20 (1), 7-9

MJ Grainger (2012) An evaluation of coastal dune forest restoration in northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, University of Pretoria,


MJ Grainger, RJ van Aarde, TD Wassenaar (2011) Landscape composition influences the restoration of subtropical coastal dune forest, Restoration Ecology, 19 (101), 111-120

MJ Grainger, RJ Van Aarde (2011) Resilience of the medicinal plant community of rehabilitating coastal dune forests, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Wiley-Blackwell,


C Bonnington, M Grainger, S Dangerfield, E Fanning (2010) The influence of electric fences on large mammal movements in the Kilombero Valley, Tanzania, African Journal of Ecology, 48 (1), 280-284

C Bonnington, MD Steer, J Lamontagne-Godwin, N Owen, M Grainger (2010) Evidence for local declines in Tanzania’s puku antelope (Kobus vardoni Livingstone, 1857) population between 1999 and 2003, African Journal of Ecology, 48 (4), 1139-1142


M Grainger, R Van Aarde, I Whyte (2005) Landscape heterogeneity and the use of space by elephants in the Kruger National Park, South Africa, African Journal of Ecology, 43 (4), 369-375

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