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Tingstad, L., Grytnes, J.A., Felde, V.A., Juslén, A., Hyvärinen, E. & Dahlberg, A. 2018. The potential to use documentation in national Red Lists to characterize red-listed forest species in Fennoscandia and to guide conservation. Global Ecology and Conservation 15: e00410.

Gjerde, I., Tingstad, L. & Blom, H. 2018. En oppdatering av kunnskapsgrunnlaget for ivaretagelse av rødlistearter gjennom avsetting av nøkkelbiotoper basert på MiS. NIBIO rapport 4, 168. NIBIO.

Gjerde, I., Grytnes, J.-A., Heegaard, E., Sætersdal, M. & Tingstad, L. 2018. Red List updates and the robustness of sites selected for conservation of red-listed species. Global Ecology and Conservation 16: e00454.

Phd Thesis: "National Red Lists in Fennoscandian Conservation: how spatio-temporal dynamics of red-listed species and geographical scale matter for site selection and conservation priorities" 2018

Tingstad, L., Gjerde, I., Dahlberg, A. & Grytnes, J.A. 2017. The influence of spatial scales on Red List composition: Forest species in Fennoscandia. Global Ecology and Conservation 11: 247-297.

Tingstad, L., Olsen, S.L., Klanderud, K., Vandvik, V. & Ohlson, M. 2015. Temperature, precipitation and biotic interactions as determinants of tree seedling recruitment across the tree line ecotone. Oecologia 179(2): 599-608.

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